All Funds Awarded

We are deeply grateful to announce that the entirety of the Caring for MI Future: Facilities Improvement Fund grant has been successfully awarded. We awarded $59 million to more than 1,100 programs. These grants funded more than 3,500 projects and created more than 10,600 child care seats across the state.

Read MiLEAP’s Press Release


Grant guidelines, with detailed information about what the grant is, who is eligible, how to apply, what the money can be used for, and more, can be downloaded in ENGLISH, SPANISH, ARABIC.

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A list of eligible and ineligible uses can be found here.

Technical Assistance

Have questions about the application or what projects are and aren’t eligible? IFF will be hosting monthly Technical Assistance (TA) sessions to support providers with submitting the application. These events are an opportunity to troubleshoot specific questions related to an application, and/or identify resources.

Missed the previous sessions?

Additional videos

  • Contractor Registration a 4-minute overview of registration, a few areas to pay special attention to, and the payment process.
  • Lien waivers a 5-minute video covering the a general overview of these waivers, why you should use them for every construction project, and what you need to do with them for this grant.


If you have questions about applications, eligibility, or projects, you can contact IFF at or you can contact your local resource center.

Templates & Forms

Below are various templates and forms required, or to assist with completing the application.

Scope of Work – outlines the type of project, materials and services, timeline, and benchmarks for completing the project. This is required for the Phase II: Project Application. A sample Scope of Work is available here.

Information about required documents (deed, mortgage document, property tax statement, or other document showing ownership OR current lease showing 2+ years remaining and demonstrating a right to make changes to the building).

Legal Right to Make Changes Letter Template 

Lien Waiver Template and Example

Facility Assessment Checklist – IFF has provided a link to a Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) Facility Assessment Checklist, which identifies the following issue areas integral to keeping young children safe and healthy in early learning spaces:

  • Environmental Health and Safety
  • Prevention of Fire Hazards
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • General Facility Maintenance—Ventilation, Plumbing, and Electrical Systems
  • Building Exterior and Interior
  • Playground Quality
  • Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act

IFF encourages providers to use this checklist as a guide for understanding the most pressing issues impacting the quality of childcare facilities. Childcare providers too can use this as a self-assessment tool to understand their own strengths and gaps in facility quality.

Translation Services

Weekly office hours will be held to support Spanish and Arabic speaking providers submit the application. These sessions are free and RSVP is required. Click on a session below to register.

All documents are available in Spanish and Arabic from the links below:

Contractor Information

For this grant, contractor refers to any tradesperson hired to complete project work including, but not limited to, project managers, general contractors, plumbers, electricians, specialty retailer-installers, etc. Contractors are required for some projects and their information will need to be included in the Project Application.

MiLEAP, Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential, has provided access to a database of state licensed Vendors that providers can use when looking for tradespeople. The database is available at this link.

Click here for a list of contractors registered with this grant.

If your preferred contractor has not registered yet, they can do so here. This registration allows us to be able to pay the contractors for their work on your project. Contractors need to register from their own account. Registrations done via a provider’s account may result in payment delays.

Contractors who have questions about registration and payment through the grant should watch this 4-minute video.

Please note, contractors are not guaranteed to be available or willing to take on projects and CFMF FIF cannot make any recommendations or warranties of a Vendor’s work. 

For more information, visit the Contractor FAQ or requirements for a contractor bid.

Lien Waiver Template and Example

Business Plans

As part of the application process, you will be asked to include a business plan. While this is not a requirement to receive grant funding, we require you to commit to creating one within 6 months. This is because if you are selected to be audited by the State of Michigan in the future, you will need to have one.

Wonderschool – as part of Caring MI Future – offers FREE business planning support for new and expanding child care providers. Get started by contacting


About Quality Facilities

[Webinar] Leading Practices for Minor Renovations in ECE Facilities

Early Childhood Education: What does it mean to have a high-quality space?

Quality Matters in Early Childhood Learning Spaces

How Facility Architecture Impacts Brain Architecture

Inclusive Design Highlights

For more information about Caring for MI Future visit